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Nadishahstra History

Nadishahstra History

Tamil Nadu and other Indian regions use Nadi Astrology (Nadi jyothidam) as a form of Dharma astrology.Thousands of years ago, Nadi Astrology was developed. There were great Sages and Rishis who could see the future. These predictions were written on palm leaves called Nadi josiyam using a specific script. Nadi Astrologers use these leaves to predict the future. Many arts and sciences were discovered by ancient Indian Rishis that would benefit future generations. Horoscopes are cast and read based on the positions and movements of the planets in the Zodiac. Astrology has many branches, including holometry. Jathaka, Brihatsamhita, Paarijatha, and many other ancient texts prove that this science is well-developed. The leaves, once housed in Maharajah Serfoji II’s palace library, were eventually sold to Indian families by the British during their rule. These families now take care of the leaves and continue to teach others how to read them, so that people may still benefit from the ancient wisdom of the Siddhas. Today, these Siddhas are known as Nadi families and Selvam works in this same area at Vaitheeswaran koil. Discovered in Tamil Nadu’s Vaitheeswaran Koil around the 12th century, these leaves have been the primary source of Nadi Astrology. Recognizing their value, the Nayanar community made exact copies and has remained their custodians ever since. Through generations of training, they have become the sole experts in interpreting and reading these precious palm leaves, and continue to adhere to traditional Nadi Astrology practices. The library containing these leaves was also utilized by later astrologers seeking to expand their knowledge in this field. Originally written on animal skins, later texts were transcribed onto palm leaves that were preserved using oil made from peacock blood. Today, Vaitheeswaran Koil stands as the main hub for Nadi Astrology in South India. The Nadi Jyothidam is an invaluable resource for gaining insight into the relationship between your past life and your present one. It holds even greater value as it discloses methods for transforming the karma from your previous incarnation. The weight of our past can often linger, but fear not, for the Rishis have carefully charted your soul’s path in your Nadi Leaf and provided a list of “solutions” or “course corrections” to guide you back on course. With the guidance of Indian astrology, it is possible to correct and rectify any past mistakes in judgement.

Nadi Reading Process

Dosha Remedies

Dosha Remedies